Community organisations

Funding Programs

Big Sister Foundation provides grant funding to community organisations operating in the Sutherland Shire, Bayside and Georges River LGA’s and who are registered with the ACNC. We work collaboratively with non-profit organisations, often in the start-up or growth phase of development, to underpin the vital community services they deliver. We offer grant funding via three programs.

Sustainability Grants Partner Program

Sustainability Grants are awarded for up to 3 years to underpin gaps in the operational resources and current capacity. These ‘non tied’ grants strengthen an organisation’s ability to deliver services more effectively and continue to fulfil their mission as demand grows.

Sustainability Grants are offered via invitation and organisations must demonstrate the ability to measure and evaluate longer-term outcomes. Where possible evaluation frameworks to be included in grant submissions.

Community Grants Program

Community Grants are awarded where there is a proven gap in current program funding; where pilot programs are identified and can be scoped to demonstrate improved community outcomes or social enterprises with a detailed business plan.

Community Grants are offered via regular grant allocations. To be notified of the next funding allocation please email

For more information see the Community Grant Applications Guidelines.

Small Donations Program

This program provides a one-time donation of up to $5000 to smaller, grassroots organisations who are supporting women and children or in need of emergency funding.

These donations are ongoing and available to not-for-profit community organisations registered with the ACNC and operating in the Sutherland Shire, Bayside or Georges River LGAs. Donations cannot be made in support of individuals.

To apply for a donation, please email your full contact and organisational details, plus a short summary outlining your program needs to

For further information or to request a call back please email

We are committed to working with like-minded organisations who provide valuable support and deliver maximum impact from our funds invested.

Our funding decisions are underpinned by five guiding principles:

A commitment to supporting excellence – organisations with a sound track record of service delivery, encompassing good outcomes, good governance, good people
Long-term sustainability - building organisational capacity that will continue to have an impact well beyond the period of our grants.
The ability to gain support from volunteers, plus other sources including non-government grants, corporate sponsorships and social media
A focus on early intervention - directing our grants in support of projects that address complex problems early in the cycle.
A commitment to partnerships and collaborations - taking a new approach to solving problems and achieving longer term goals.